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Has God moved you to transfer your membership to the Palm Bay Seventh-day Adventist Church? We would love to welcome you into the membership and ministry of our local congregation! Please fill out the transfer of membership request below. Our head clerk will forward the request to your previous church and contact you with an update.


Please Note the Following:

  • You can request transfer for just yourself, or also for baptized members of your family.
  • All the transfers requested in one form need to be coming from the same church. To request transfers from more than one church, please fill out an additional request. You can note in the additional request(s) that the members are related, so the clerk can enter the members in the correct family in the church membership record.
  • Transfers usually take a couple of months, but can sometimes take longer to process, as transfers depend on the timing, location, and practices of the previous church(es).




If you have any questions or need an update about a pending membership transfer, please send an email to